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Mobile Suit Gundam: Spirits of Zeon is Arcade Light Gun Game based on the Gundam franchise. Notable is that players act as Villain Protagonist, rather than served for E.F.S.F.. The game sets around U.C.0079, two main characters, Lieutenant Kurt Roswell & Lieutenant Robin Bradshaw, are above to use their respective Mobile Suits: MS-06 Zaku II, to operate their respective missions given by Zeon.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Spirits of Zeon is Arcade Light Gun Game based on the Gundam franchise. Notable is that players act as Villain Protagonist, rather than served for E.F.S.F.. The game sets around U.C.0079, two main characters, Lieutenant Kurt Roswell & Lieutenant Robin Bradshaw, are above to use their respective Mobile Suits: MS-06 Zaku II, to operate their respective missions given by Zeon.
==Video Setup Guide==
==Setup Guide==
Download and extract the game files.
Right click the game.exe and click properties
Next click the "compatibility" tab, Enable the check box that says "run this program in compatibility mode for" and select Windows 98 from the drop down underneath.
Next we need to time how long the game takes to load on your system, Load the game.exe and time it in seconds.
Alt+F4 back out of the game
You will now need to install demulshooter if you have not already, if you have not instructions are on the demulshooter page.
You will also need no mousey to hide the cursor which can be downloaded from [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NF000s2SaNB-qvDDJOOnZgdzXcybbhaW/view?usp=sharing HERE]
Extract the Nomousy files to your games root folder.
You will now need to edit or create a AHK file to load the game, Instructions on AHK can be found in the AHK page.
The AHK should look like this:<syntaxhighlight lang="ahk">
Run,C:\Demulshooter Directory\Demulshooter.exe -target=ttx -rom=gsoz
;Run,nomousy.exe /hide
send {1 down}
send {1 up}
send !{b}
Run,taskkill /im "game.exe" /F
send !{b}
send !{b}
Where it says "sleep,TIME IN SECONDS" put the amount of seconds it took your game to load where 1 second is 1000, eg 10 seconds would be 10000 so it would say sleep,10000
You can also change the exit key from escape if you wish.
Once you are done you will need to compile the Script, To do this just right click the AHK file and press on "compile script"
Then right click the newly compiled AHK, select properties and navigate to the compatibility tab.
Next select "run as administrator".
Once done you can run the game from this executable.
==2 Player Setup==
==2 Player Setup==

Revision as of 16:31, 17 December 2022

Gundam Spirit of Zeon.png

Mobile Suit Gundam: Spirits of Zeon is Arcade Light Gun Game based on the Gundam franchise. Notable is that players act as Villain Protagonist, rather than served for E.F.S.F.. The game sets around U.C.0079, two main characters, Lieutenant Kurt Roswell & Lieutenant Robin Bradshaw, are above to use their respective Mobile Suits: MS-06 Zaku II, to operate their respective missions given by Zeon.

Setup Guide

Download and extract the game files.

Right click the game.exe and click properties

Next click the "compatibility" tab, Enable the check box that says "run this program in compatibility mode for" and select Windows 98 from the drop down underneath.

Next we need to time how long the game takes to load on your system, Load the game.exe and time it in seconds.

Alt+F4 back out of the game

You will now need to install demulshooter if you have not already, if you have not instructions are on the demulshooter page.

You will also need no mousey to hide the cursor which can be downloaded from HERE

Extract the Nomousy files to your games root folder.

You will now need to edit or create a AHK file to load the game, Instructions on AHK can be found in the AHK page.

The AHK should look like this:

Run,C:\Demulshooter Directory\Demulshooter.exe -target=ttx -rom=gsoz
;Run,nomousy.exe /hide
send {1 down}
send {1 up}
send !{b}

Run,taskkill /im "game.exe" /F
send !{b}
send !{b}

Where it says "sleep,TIME IN SECONDS" put the amount of seconds it took your game to load where 1 second is 1000, eg 10 seconds would be 10000 so it would say sleep,10000

You can also change the exit key from escape if you wish.

Once you are done you will need to compile the Script, To do this just right click the AHK file and press on "compile script"

Then right click the newly compiled AHK, select properties and navigate to the compatibility tab.

Next select "run as administrator".

Once done you can run the game from this executable.

2 Player Setup

To get 'Mobile Suit Gundam Spirits Of Zeon' 2 player working, you will need to:-

  • Find the file "3 - Gundam SvPatch Dummy Data.rar" off the internet (Google search)
  • Use the 'dual screen' version of game.exe (do not rename this file).
  • The Command for DemulShooter is "DemulShooter.exe -target=ttx -rom=gsoz2p".
  • As mentioned in the video above, with the nvidia control panel, add a custom resolution of 1280 x 480