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<big>RPCS3</big> is an open-source PlayStation 3 emulator/debugger written in C++ for Windows and Linux. It is the only emulator that can run commercial games, with over 2,000 considered playable. It also supports the PS3's internal PlayStation 1 emulator through the PlayStation Classics digital re-releases.
<big>RPCS3</big> is an open-source PlayStation 3 emulator/debugger written in C++ for Windows and Linux. It is the only emulator that can run commercial games, with over 2,000 considered playable. It also supports the PS3's internal PlayStation 1 emulator through the PlayStation Classics digital re-releases.
Not every game works with the PS Move Mouse Handler. Be sure to check RPCS3's forums and Github's Issues to be absolutely sure the game you want to play is compatible.
* Not every game works with the PS Move Mouse Handler. Be sure to check RPCS3's forums and Github's Issues to be absolutely sure the game you want to play is compatible.
* RPCS3 only supports 1 lightgun.

Revision as of 21:30, 10 January 2023

Emulates: PlayStation 3
Download: RPCS3 website
License: Free (GNU GPLv2)
Rpcs3 gameplay.jpg

RPCS3 is an open-source PlayStation 3 emulator/debugger written in C++ for Windows and Linux. It is the only emulator that can run commercial games, with over 2,000 considered playable. It also supports the PS3's internal PlayStation 1 emulator through the PlayStation Classics digital re-releases.


  • Not every game works with the PS Move Mouse Handler. Be sure to check RPCS3's forums and Github's Issues to be absolutely sure the game you want to play is compatible.
  • RPCS3 only supports 1 lightgun.



Download from the official site


Download from Google Drive

Daemon Tools Lite

Download from the Daemon Tools website


Download from the AutoHotkey website

How to configure RPCS3 to work with Sinden Lightgun

  • Start the RPCS3 emulator and then click on the Config icon button.
Screenshot of RPCS3 main window with Config button highlighted
  • Click on the I/O tab and change all the related settings following this picture:
  • Click on the Save button, load a game, and verify if the Lightgun works properly. Make sure you are using the Windowed Fullscreen mode (use Alt+Enter).
  • Start the Sinden Lightgun software, and change the following settings in the Button Assignment tab:
    • Pump Action = Mouse's Right Button (MouseRight)
    • Trigger = Mouse's Left Button (MouseLeft)
  • You must assign a button to the Mouse's Middle Button.

These are the actual RPCS3 mouse mappings:

Move Motion Controller Mouse Button Mapping
T Button Left Mouse Button
Move Button (~) Right Mouse Button
Cross Button (X) Middle Mouse Button
Square Button (◻) Mouse Forward Button (Button 5)
Circle Button (O) Mouse Back Button (Button 4)
Triangle Button (△) Middle + Right Mouse Buttons
Start Left + Middle Mouse Buttons
Select Left + Right Mouse Buttons

Fix for Time Crisis 4 white screen

  • On GPU settings screen, enable "Write Color Buffers" option.
RPCS3 Config menu on GPU tab, "Write Color Buffers" option is enabled


  • If your lightgun is not working in-game, make sure Controller 1 has been set to Motion Controller No. 7
Motion Controller No. 7

AHK Example

To get past the calibration screen for Time Crisis 4, Razing Storm and Dead Storm Pirates, use this example AHK (thanks to ActionOnion for providing this). Update the paths for your setup. When calibrating and you're happy with it press Return, then Space to go back to the menu and start the actual game.

 #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
 SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
  #SingleInstance Force
 run, D:\RPCS3\rpcs3.exe D:\RPCS3\dev_hdd0\disc\BLUS30528\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\timecrisis4.self
 run, D:\nomousy\nomousy.exe /hide
 MouseGetPos, , , win
 maxWindow("ahk_id" win)
 maxWindow(title) {
 WinMove, % title, , 0, 0, % A_ScreenWidth, % A_ScreenHeight
 WinActivate, % title
 WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, % title
 WinSet, Style, -0x40000, % title
 WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off, % title
;Circle Button
Send {XButton1 down}
sleep, 60
Send {XButton1 up}
;Triangle Button
Send {RButton down}
Sleep, 60
Send {MButton down}
sleep, 60
Send {MButton up}
Send {RButton up}

Sendinput, !{f4}
Run,taskkill /im "rpcs3.exe" /F
Run D:\nomousy\nomousy.exe