Virtua Cop 3
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Virtua Cop 3 is the third and final game from Sega's Virtua Cop light gun shooter franchise released exclusively for arcades in 2003. The game is available in standard and deluxe cabinet formats and runs on Sega Chihiro arcade hardware.
Required Files
- Download CXBX Reloaded emu from GitHub
- Click on Assets for the latest release and download
- NOTE: There have been reported issues with DemulShooter not working with the latest versions of CXBX.
- This guide was created using Cxbx-Reloaded build CI-3e5272d (Dec 22, 2021)
- Download AutoHotkey website
- Download DemulShooter from GitHub
- Download no crosshair patch from
- Download Stage 2 black smoke removal patch from OneDrive
- Extract CXBX Reloaded to a folder of your choosing. (e.g. D:\CXBX-Reloaded\)
- Run cxbx.exe and select "Yes" when the pop-up window message for portable mode appears.
Input Settings for Player 1
Settings > Config Input > Set Port 1 = MS Gamepad S > Configure
- Map the Following Buttons for Player 1:
- X Button = Change Weapons
- Start = Player 1 Start
- Enter a Profile Name and click on Save
- Set Port 2 = MS Gamepad S and configure the Start and X Buttons for Player 2
DemulShooter will set the following buttons:
Action | Button |
Shoot (Trigger) | Left Mouse |
Reload | Right Mouse |
Bullet-Time | Middle Mouse |
Video Settings for 4:3 Aspect Ratio
Settings > Config Video
- NOTE: DemulShooter requires a 4:3 aspect ratio. Aim will be off if you stretch to 16:9.
- Enable Maintain Aspect Ratio
- Disable Use Exclusive Fullscreen Mode
- Install AutoHotkey
- Run DemulShooter as administrator if you have issues with it hooking.
- Create a new AutoHotkey script following this example:
- Run the AHK script to play. Press ESC to quit.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance Force
Run, D:\DemulShooter\DemulShooter.exe -target=chihiro -rom=vcop3
Process, Wait, DemulShooter.exe, 10 ; Wait for demulshooter to start, or 10 seconds max
Run, D:\CXBX-Reloaded\cxbx.exe /load "D:\CXBX-Reloaded\Virtual Cop 3\vc3.xbe"
WinWaitActive, ahk_exe cxbx.exe ; Wait until CXBX has started and the window is active
Send !{Enter} ; send Alt+Enter to make it fullscreen
Send !{f4} ; send ALT+F4 to close the emu when pressing ESC
ExitApp ; Close this script
Note: Replace the paths in the script with the correct paths to your DemulShooter.exe, cxbx.exe and your Virtua Cop 3 xbe files.
Crosshair Removal
- Download no crosshair patch from
- Copy & paste the downloaded spr_common.xts (no crosshair patch) into Virtua Cop 3's media folder.
- D:\CXBX-Reloaded\Virtual Cop 3\media\spr_common.xts
- Make a backup of the original spr_common.xts file before applying the patch.
Stage 2 Black Smoke Removal
- Download Stage 2 black smoke removal patch from OneDrive
- Copy & paste the downloaded spr_effect.xts (smoke removal patch) into Virtua Cop 3's media folder.
- D:\CXBX-Reloaded\Virtual Cop 3\media\spr_effect.xts
- Make a backup of the original spr_effect.xts file before applying the patch.