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Sinden Lightgun Wiki

Available Shells

The Sinden Lightgun is the world’s first true LCD compatible Lightgun, providing all the functionality and game experience of the original CRT Lightguns without requiring additional hardware such as infra red sensor bars. It is always accurate even if you change position or angle which means you can ditch the crosshairs!

You can play all your favourite Lightgun games such as:

Duck Hunt
Time Crisis 1/2/3
Virtua Cop 1/2/3
House Of The Dead 1/2/3/4/Overkill
Point Blank 1/2/3
Terminator 2 Arcade
Star Wars Trilogy
Jurassic Park: Lost World
Mad Dog McCree
Battle Clash
Wild Gunman
Lethal Enforcers
Area 51
And many many more.