Wild West Shootout
Wild West Shootout is a one or two player target shooter that is innocent fun for the whole family.
Players are challenged to shoot the funny-looking bad guys to earn points. Throughout each level, there are breakable targets that score surprise bonus points. Rescue the hostages to score bonus points.
Video Guide:
*IMPORTANT NOTE* Argonlefou has now added 2 player support via DemulShooter. You can download DemulShooter and get the instructions from DemulShooter GitHub page, DO NOT apply the patch if you are going to run via DemulShooter.
NetDllBroken Fix
This error happens when you try to run cowboy.exe with Administrator privileges directly or through a script or frontend that is being run with Administrator privileges.
To stop this happening you can run the game with an AHK script that includes the following command.
Run RunAs /trustlevel:0x20000 "C:\LightgunGames\WWS\Cowboy.exe"
- Change the file path to match the games location on your system
- This code lowers the windows privileges to that of a normal user
Mouse Patch:
Download the Mouse Patch v1.01 by mutantcucumberfromspace from Mediafire
Please note that the Mouse Patch is not compatible with the DemulShooter fix. The Mouse Patch will only work with a single mouse or single lightgun only.
Patched default Controls:
U | Test Menu |
A | Test Menu UP |
D | Test Menu Down |
S | Test Menu Select |
1 | P1 Coin |
2 | P2 Coin |
LMouse | P1 Trigger |
RMouse | P2 Trigger |
V | P1 Reload |
X | P2 Reload |
3 | Exit Level |
NumPad 7,8,9 | Game Information |
NumPad 0,1,2,3 | Difficulty |
Alt+Enter | Full screen / Windowed |
Alt+F4 | Quit |
Resolution/Game Loader:
You can have Wild West Shootout start in Fullscreen as well as change the resolution with an AHK by Hexxed.
Download the latest Wild West Shootout Loader file from Mediafire
To install the WWS Loader, simply extract the files to the root of your game folder (the one with cowboy.exe) and start the loader with either WildWestShootoutLoader.ahk or WildWestShootoutLoader.exe file if you don't use AutoHotkey.
Loader Options
- If you get the netdllbroken error, selecting the Run as Non Admin should fix the problem.
- If you have DemulShooter installed, you can have the loader load DemulShooter as well.
- If you have a Sinden and the Sinden App is already running in the background, the Load Sinden Border just sends an Alt-B command the bring up the border. It also sends a double Alt-B to shut it down when exiting.
- The In Game Buttons shows the gameplay keys available in Mouse Patch area above as a quick reminder.
Loader Notes
- Both the AHK script and the exe apply the right click to reload change as well as the press Escape or X key to quit game when starting the game via the Loader.
- If you don't want either, modify the AHK at the bottom under the Play: section.
- If starting the game with your own AHK, remember to run the loader at least once, choose your resolution and click Save.
- Remember to hit 1 or 2 after starting the game to load credits and then click your trigger to begin playing.
- If you're system is older and is slow to load the game, you can include a Sleep timer right after this line in the AHK: #IfWinActive ahk_exe CowBoy.exe
- A 20 second sleep timer (in microseconds) would look like: Sleep 20000
Example AHK script to change reload to right click as well as use Escape or X to quit game:
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
;If placed in game directory, uncomment below or use direct path if AHK is placed elsewhere
;Run, %A_ScriptDir%\CowBoy.exe
Run, C:\GameDIR\CowBoy.exe
#IfWinActive ahk_exe CowBoy.exe
RButton::V ;Right Click To Reload
Run,taskkill /im "CowBoy.exe" /F