Friction is a Independent light gun game made by Friction game studios and was exclusive to the arcades.
Well until now...
Setup Guide
- Download the game files
- Patch the game if required (details below) If you dont have the patch the VSIOboard file mentioned below will be missing some lines.
- Open the VSIOBOARD.INI file using a text editor.
- Edit the following lines and set which buttons you want for Quit, Service, coin and start buttons.
Be sure to delete the ; before each line!
- Also make sure the following lines have a ; before them:
- Once finished save the file.
2 Player Setup
It is also advisable to install DemulShooter if you wish to run the game 2 player.
Install DemulShooter as per the DemulShooter page instructions and run the game with a batch file, to do that do the following:
Within the game folder right click in a blank space to bring up the menu and then highlight "new" then select "text document" this will create a new text file you can name as you wish.
Load the new text document and then type the following command adjusting the drive/file path to suit:
Start C:\DEMULSHOOTER DIRECTORY\DemulShooter.exe -target=windows -rom=friction
Then simply go to "File" then "Save As", Give the file a name of your choosing but it MUST end with .bat
e.g. gamename.bat
Sample AHK Script
Alternatively, you can use an AutoHotKey (AHK) script to launch and close the game.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance Force
Run, D:\DemulShooter\DemulShooter.exe -target=windows -rom=friction
sleep, 4000
Run, D:\nomousy\nomousy.exe /hide
sleep, 1000
Run, D:\Friction\Friction.exe
Run,taskkill /im "Friction.exe" /F
Run, D:\nomousy\nomousy.exe
sleep, 500
Remove Crosshairs
To remove crosshairs navigate to the games main directory and open the reshade-shaders folder.
Open Textures Folder.
Rename the 2 crosshair files inside this folder, You can just put old after the file name.
E.g. cursor1_old
To Enable Gore
Go to the games main directory and open the Base folder.
Inside the folder you will find a gore and no_gore folder.
Change the no-gore folder name to something different, You can just put original in front if you like so you know what it was originally e.g. change the name to original_no_gore.
Change the gore folder name to no_gore.
Depending where you obtain the game you may need to install Ducon's patch.
If required download Ducon's V3 patch from Discord and copy the files into your games main directory if its not installed already.
Resolution Changer
You can change the resolution of the game using a resolution changer from Mediafire.