Elevator Action Invasion

From Sinden Lightgun
Revision as of 14:28, 10 June 2023 by Cor094 (talk | contribs)
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Arcade Game
License: Commercial
Game info
Developer: UNIS Technology
Released: 2018
Players: 2 Players
EAI cab.png
Note: Requires DemulshooterX64

Default Controls
Shoot (trigger): Left mouse
P1 Coin/Credit: 5 Key
P2 Coin/Credit: 6 Key
P1 Start: 1 Key
P2 Start: 2 Key
Note: Press 9 for settings menu. Use arrow keys and ENTER button to navigate or select settings.

A robotic invasion is underway, and only you and your partner can stop it in Elevator Invasion by UNIS.
Focusing on dual-player shooting action, this action-packed game puts you into the shows of two well-armed special agents who infiltrate a facility that an army of evil robotic soldiers has overtaken. Take aim and earn combos to rack up the highest score, and use the elevator controls on the control panel to navigate through the complex.

Setup Guide

This guide is based on Argonlefou's DemulShooter Elevator Action Invasion install guide from GitHub

  • Extract Elevator Action Invasion game to a folder.
  • Extract latest DemulShooter (Requires DemulShooter v10.13.0 or newer) to another folder.
  • Open up DemulShooter_GUI.exe and set lightgun as P1 in the dropdown and hit save. Do this for P2 if you have two guns as per DemulShooter wiki.
  • Also in DemulShooter_GUI.exe, select Elevator Action Invasion from the dropdown. From this screen, you'll need to select your ESGame-Win64-Shipping.exe directory and patch the game. This should be the folder \ESGame\Binaries\Win64. This removes dongle check and prepares the game for DemulShooter. You can optionally adjust bindings for start, credits, service menu, etc here also.
  • To play the game on an horizontal display, you can add the following lines to \AppData\Local\ESGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GameUserSettings.ini to run it in windowed mode. To generate the file, run the game once by launching ESGame-Win64-Shipping.exe. You can exit the game by pressing ALT+F4. After making the changes below, I set my GameUserSettings.ini to "Read-only" by right-clicking and going to properties. This may not be necessary, but I had an issue where these values changed.

Example for a 1080p resolution, add the following in the [/Script/Engine.GameUserSettings] section of GameUserSettings.ini


I have not tested with a 4k monitor, but you could likely add the following to the [/Script/Engine.GameUserSettings] section.

  • Run the game with ESGame\Binaries\Win64\ESGame-Win64-Shipping.exe and load DemulShooter with,

DemulShooterX64.exe -target=unis -rom=eai


  • Use the AHK sample below and change your pathing for your game exe and DemulShooterX64.exe. The AHK below is intended for playing the game in horizontal mode and also adds a bezel (change bezel path of sample AHK). You can download a bezel created from an image of the arcade cabinet from MediaFire. The AHK script also hides the Windows task bar and assumes you made the GameUserSettings.ini edits above.


Download DemulShooter from GitHub

  • Follow the DemulShooter wiki and configure your lightguns.
  • A no-crosshair patch by Argonlefou can be found on Mega. Unzip the file next to the original .pak file in the \ESGame\Content\Paks\ subdirectory.

Misc. Notes

  • The Sinden Lightgun has been reported to have issues playing with monitor in portrait mode.
  • Loading the bezel via the AHK script below may also display incorrectly if using Windows Scaling at something other than 100 percent.
  • If using the sample AHK script to add a bezel, there may be issues displaying partially transparent artwork. For example, if your bezel art has a shadow or monitor glare.
  • Aside from playing in windowed mode as mentioned above, another way to play the game on a horizontal display is to use ArcCabView to rotate it. However, in my testing this caused the aim to be incorrect along the X axis. Argonlefou, the DemulShooter dev, mentioned a correction factor may be possible in a future DemulShooter update.

Sample AHK Script

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance Force

BezelPath := "D:\ElevatorActionInvasion\ESGame\Binaries\Win64\1080.png"

run, D:\ElevatorActionInvasion\ESGame\Binaries\Win64\ESGame-Win64-Shipping.exe

run, D:\ElevatorActionInvasion\DemulShooter\DemulShooterX64.exe -target=unis -rom=eai

IfWinNotExist, frame
	SysGet, m1, Monitor, 1
	CustomColor = 000000f  ; Can be any RGB color (it will be made transparent below).
	Gui, 88:+Toolwindow
	Gui, 88:+0x94C80000
	Gui, 88:+E0x20 ; this makes this GUI clickthrough
	Gui, 88:-Toolwindow
	Gui, 88: +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow  ; +ToolWindow avoids a taskbar button and an alt-tab menu item.
	Gui, 88: Color, %CustomColor%
	Gui, 88: Add, Picture, x0 y0 w%m1right% h%m1Bottom% BackGroundTrans, %BezelPath%	
	WinSet, TransColor, %CustomColor% ;150	; Make all pixels of this color transparent and make the text itself translucent (150)
	Gui, 88: Show, x0 y0 w%m1right% h%m1Bottom%, NoActivate, frame ; NoActivate avoids deactivating the currently active window.
	WinHide, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
	WinHide, ahk_class Shell_SecondaryTrayWnd

	WinShow, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
	WinShow, ahk_class Shell_SecondaryTrayWnd
	process, close, ESGame-Win64-Shipping.exe