Banzai Escape
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Banzai Escape is a game developed by XenoAisam available in Steam.
Amino Corp have been suspected of committing some suspicious activity that has led the Bureau Investigation agency to send some of their agents to investigate the company. Some Weeks have passed however there has been no response from those agents sent. The agency has requested help from P.A.S.K.A.L to go into the Amino Corp building to arrest the CEO, Mr. Betas and to rescue those agents. A member of the P.A.S.K.A.L unit, Rokiahi has been sent on the mission, however some unexpected things have begun to happen.
No Crosshair Patch (By IntoShadows)
You can also remove the crosshair from the game by downloading this file: Google Drive
- Make a backup of the file: globalgamemanagers.assets located in the \BanzaiEscape_Data folder in case you ever want the crosshair back later on.
- Overwrite the original file (globalgamemanagers.assets) with the one you downloaded here.
- use nomousy to hide mouse cursor (see AHK sample below).
- play the game.
Sample AHK Script
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance Force
Run %comspec% /c START steam://rungameid/440340
Run, D:\YOUR NOMOUSY DIR\nomousy.exe /hide
RButton::R ;RELOAD (Pump Handle or Shoot Off-Screen)
Left::S ;SWAP (Left DPad)
Right::S ;SWAP (Right DPad)
Down::Space ;COVER/AIM (Down DPad)
Run,taskkill /im "BanzaiEscape.exe" /F
Run, D:\YOUR NOMOUSY DIR\nomousy.exe
sleep, 500